Through our soft skills training we build youth leadership capacity, fostering personal and civic duty responsibilities.
Our Topics include:
| Emotional Intelligence | Problem solving | Critical Thinking | Adaptability |Innovation
| Conflict Resolution | Team Building | Cultural Intelligence |Youth Leadership
Having a keen focus on youth and community development, we empower youth engagement and active citizenship with an aim to cultivate individual and collective resilience in our communities. Our support is for all young people from diverse backgrounds, ensuring a co-creative and collaborative process that works for them on their terms.
We also promote the voice, engagement and impact of BME young people, in enhancing community cohesion and fostering harmonious relationships within various communities, through our programs and workshops. We also ensure diverse youth representation in decision making arenas at local council level, that impact the social and economic welfare of these groups.
Through our Success Gravity ® Model, our learning activities give participants new frameworks for enabling positive change in their communities, providing innovative solutions for some of our most pressing social and economic concerns.
We believe in providing spaces for creative expression for our young people, therefore we deliver fun and engaging workshops that help prevent social isolation, develop new skills and bridge the attainment gap.
Our Creative Arts programs employ the use of poetry, art, dance, music and drama to engage young people across the london boroughs. We also have programs that teach young people how to make money from creating music, becoming a YouTuber, coder or writer of a script for film or TV, Digital media, Photography and smartphone photography, social media marketing, comic book design, graphics design, introduction to fashion design, textile art, and graffiti street art design.
For our writing workshops, our innovative approach focuses on individual creativity and skills within the context of the creative process. Through a practical course of study designed to build and structure a narrative, our team of experienced experts help youth develop their potential as professional writers.
With a highlight showcase and gala event of the year, we aim to showcase what our youth have been creating, bringing together families, teachers, sponsors, partner organisations and young people to celebrate their achievements and celebrate diversity of culture and traditions.
Our society needs to become more cohesive and inclusive, allowing young people to play an active role in democratic life. Education, training, youth work and sports are key to promote common values, foster social integration, enhance intercultural understanding and a sense of belonging to a community in order to prevent violent radicalisation.
Through an awareness of intersectionality we can better acknowledge and ground the differences among us. We address issues on how elements of discrimination and disadvantage compound themselves because they are not understood in a way that is conventional. Our aim is to help eradicate prejudice and build diverse and supportive cultures of respect and fairness for all.
As most world problems emanate from failures in communication, understanding and empathy, we promote cosmopolitan and culturally diverse communities, education, workplaces and business environments. We celebrate the unity in diversity that our students and volunteers generate, and our programs are effective instruments to promote the inclusion of young people from various disadvantaged backgrounds.
We subscribe to the power of storytelling in creating empathy for change, therefore, our workshops become a classroom with an inherently melting pot of viewpoints and opinions, often debated in a safe environment.
We understand that being seen and heard is required in order to achieve justice and true systemic change, therefore we provide safe spaces to discuss the role that race plays in all parts of our society. Young BME’s get to share stories, connect and highlight their personal experiences and the impact from exposure to discrimination.
Our Book Club is designed to create a deeper understanding of cultures that help to eradicate ignorance, providing well balanced evidence-based education of worldwide history. Academic freedom is actively supported and encouraged in our programs and we believe the good leaders are good readers.
Being at a vulnerable age, we address young people’s psychosocial needs by providing resources and fun activities that promote their emotional, physical and mental well being to keep them engaged and entertained. Our diversion programs and activities are designed to break the school to prison pipeline that is mainly prevalent amongst the BAME communities, reducing criminal activity as they are constantly occupied with meaningful activities.
Through partnerships with counsellors, qualified volunteers and other service providers we ensure they have access to bespoke and culturally competent interventions and assistance where required. We de-stigmatise talking about mental health and promote awareness and strategies to address this in our own communities.
For challenges related to the development of social capital, empowerment and ability to participate actively in society, we tackle this through non-formal learning activities, aimed at enhancing their soft skills, competences and active citizenship. Our programs have proven to contribute to young people’s improved focus, relationships and self esteem.