Bridge The Gap is an ESFA, ESF and Groundwork – funded training and support program aimed to improve access to employment for marginalised Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Youth aged 16 – 24 in Greenwich, through a person-centred holistic approach, by providing one-to-one and group support around CV writing, employability, job search, interview preparation, work exposure and soft-skills that employers are looking for.
Funded and Supported by:

The Problem
As a lived experience led grassroots organisation, we’re closely in touch with actual problems faced by our community. Labour market discrimination and reduced accessibility for ethnic groups is a persistent and deep rooted issue that needs addressing to improve educational and employment outcomes for ethnic minorities.
The Solution
Programs like Bridge The Gap (BTG) are good initiatives to engage youth that are lower skilled and Not in Employment Education or Training (NEET). Through transferable-skills, BTG will ‘bridge-the-gap’ between those that are furthest away from the labour market, to chart a path moving closer to attaining jobs or further education.
Recent data reveals Greenwich as one of the Local London boroughs worst hit by unemployment, with the slowest recovery forecast. Ages 16-24 are hardest hit, making up a third of unemployed Londoners. Those Lower qualified or lower skilled are more vulnerable to unemployment due to the economic downturn and the worst COVID-19 impact. Ethnic minorities experience higher unemployment and disparity rates compared to their racial counterparts in the same geographies.
Research from our young people showed that they are worried about their economic sustenance, and need help acquiring skills and confidence that employers look for. These same thematic concerns about youth unemployment suggest the need for help with skills that would boost their opportunities to access further training and get work to support their families, having lost the breadwinners during the pandemic. Furthermore, the previously enforced covid-19 lockdowns also accelerated psychological effects creating isolation, loneliness, and mental health challenges.
We intentionally co-design the delivery of our projects with young people, taking in their considerations and desires for greater impact and engagement with them.
As community champions, we liaise with other community stakeholders, local councillors, job-centres, job brokers, community partners and potential employers to identify critical soft-skills gaps that enable admission and sustainability of youth employment.
We will also be holding a Job fair at the end of our program to increase the exposure with employers and improve the chances of positive outcomes for young people within our borough.

Aims and Objectives
Bridge The Gap Aims:
•To provide one-to-one support around writing CVs and job searches •To signpost BME Youth (16-24) on to other skills training services •To run soft skills and Employability workshops using non-formal learning methods •To facilitate work experience schemes and awareness events with local employers •To hold a Career Expo for young people to meet potential employers and other relevant community stakeholders

•Increased access to Employment, Education or further Training •Increased confidence in applying for jobs •Increased self esteem, optimism and resilience •Improved employers’ perceptions of BME Youth •Reduced incidence of high unemployment •Reduced isolation •Improved mental and emotional well-being •Social mobility, overcoming multiple barriers and complex issues •Addressing of Multiple deprivations •Community cohesion and social integration
What To Expect
Young people can access 12 weeks of free support, specifically offering: Employability and soft skills training, Support with accessing employment education and training, Support with interview techniques, CV writing and work readiness, One to One Career Advisor. This training is free and at no cost to participants. Our interview skills and real career advice will help you to get onto the employment ladder!

To be eligible young people must be:
- Aged between 16-24
- Unemployed OR
- Economically inactive
- Black and Minority Ethnic Origin (BME)
- Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) 16-18 Only
- Resident in Greenwich London
- Eligible to live and Work in the UK
Contact Us
You can apply directly through our Application Form below
For more enquiries or to refer young people, volunteer or mentor,
Call us on: 07742 781663
Email Us at: info@stepupyouth.org.uk

Welcome to Bridge The Gap!
Let's Get Social!

Step up youth exists to promote social inclusion by working with young people in London who face discrimination on the grounds of their ethnic origin, religion or belief in order to relieve their needs and assist with their societal integration by providing platforms and programs to equip them with the right tools to excel. We provide development opportunities to empower them in Employment, Education, Enterprise, as well as Active Citizenship to become better future Leaders.
Testimonials from previous programs
Get Involved!

Upcoming Events
Join us on Saturday 21st May 2022 for our Free & Fun launch event at Woolwich Arsenal, Gordon Square SE18 6FH.
Just by Woolwich Arsenal Station.
Time: 11:00 am – 1 :00pm
We will be:
•Distributing flyers
•Raising awareness for our program
•Registering potential participants
•You will receive a free t-shirt
•You will have an option to stick around for our networking social lunch at Nando’s
Get in touch if you’d like to attend and volunteer:
07742 781663

Partners and Funders